Monday, September 23, 2013


Yesterday I turned one year older--66!  Wow, that realio trulio sounds OLD.  Family and friends made it a very special day.  Glenn and Donna treated me to breakfast out, followed by an afternoon at the winery with my two "boys" and their sweeties.  Many people consider money to make life livable and enjoyable, but to me, it's having my loved ones with me that make life wonderful and exciting.
In the midst of celebration some decisions were made...  The family decided that October 13th, a Sunday, we would all trek to the hunting cabin and lay Larry to rest.  Another major choice was made.  Our annual stay in the Keys would continue and the family will come down for a visit.  How I will get there by myself is in question, but I have faith that will be answered in due time.  The boys also are selling our van and buying a new vehicle.  According to them, it's necessary--too many miles on the van and too little tread on the tires.  The suggested vehicle of choice seems to be the Toyota Highlander, so this week I am to test drive it.  Me and cars have never ever had a close relationship---all I care about is reliability on the road.  I realize it might seem as if the boys are "running" my life, but so far their decisions have met with my full approval.  The family has my well-being at heart and I love them all dearly!

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