Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chapter 2

We have finished the second leg of our journey.  During our stay here, we managed to see and do wondrous things.  Our hike in the Cloud Forest, the tram ride up into the mountains, surrounding the forest canopy; we experienced the thrill of the famous "Hanging Bridges" which left us suspended above the valley floors and giving us the bird's eye view of the canopy.  And I can't forget the riotous, exciting rafting ride on the Balsa River! Ah, and the fishing day on Arenal Lake at the foot of the Arenal Volcano!  Fishing while seeing toucans fly, hearing the squealing of the howler monkeys, and iguanas lazing in the tree limbs--what more could you ask for!!!!  After five days in the northern region, today we drop down to the south near the surfing town of Jaco.  There we will stay in our first beach house--our little cassita!  Everyone says the south is very different from the north.  We shall see! Pure vida!!!!!

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