Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 covers the first leg of our adventure.  Of course, we arrived safely, but what was most exciting, we had NO layover in Houston.  We hopped right onto the next flight without a hitch!   By the cocktail hour, we were sitting on the outside patio, listening to a terrific sax player, sipping beer then martinis.  A delicious meal followed with our own private piano player,, then bed!  We were dog-tired.  On Day 2 we walked the city sites, including the Mercado Central (LOTS of shops, etc.) the Teatro National, the Jade Museum, etc. etc.  It was a full day, finished with a meal at the Cafe Monda, a local favorite.  On Wednesday, we hit the mountains. ..8000 ft.!  A tour a one of the large coffee plantations, the Dakota Estates was followed by the Poas Volcano.  Wow...the steaming volcano was three football fields wide; the last time it erupted was 2010.  In the afternoon, we traveled to La Paz Waterfalls and Gardens.  What a treat!  The five waterfalls were impressive and the walk was well worth the journey's end.  At one point, Larry didn't think he would make it, but he did!  The full day finished with martinis on the Plaza Cultura, people-watching and enjoying the local entertainment.  After three days here at San Jose, we leave for the Cloud Forest---Monteverde--- and the Arenal Volcano.  That will begin Chapter 2.

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