Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, Monday

The trip is over and it's back to the grind; it's chemo time!  Larry is starting his Cycle 4.  Next week after chemo, he gets two scans which will tell us if the treatment did any good or if the cancer spread.  So, everyone keep their fingers crossed;  November 14th will be the moment of truth.  I know we are all wishing for good results.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The End

After being gone since last Monday, "The Grand Adventure" has finally come to an end.  Larry and the boys left western Wyoming yesterday morning and should arrive home later tonight, if all goes well.  Four antelope and two mule deer were killed;  Larry is the only one that chose to bring back some meat.  I believe the racks will be mounted, while Jason's doing a full head mount of his deer. I am sure that in the ensuing weeks the guys will be telling stories (and retelling stories!) around the campfires, and with each retelling, the memories grow bigger and warmer to the heart.  Remember-ies of the "Hunt" will last a lifetime and should bring a smile to our boys. "The Grand Adventure" should make remember-ies for their later years, moments for them to enjoy and cherish when old and gray.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mule Deer

At noon I received a phone call from Chris.  He and Jason were on their way into town to pick up the antelope meat and to drop off their two mule deer for processing.  Jason snagged a monster of a deer and plans to have it mounted.  No photo of it yet...  This afternoon/early evening, Scott and Larry are still trying to shoot their deer.  Hope they both get one!  The temperature is a cold 35 degrees which probably feels even colder since they're 8,000 feet up!  Chris said it was such a great week and everyone was having a blast.  Wouldn't surprise me if the gang did another big hunt next year!  Tomorrow morning their adventure ends and the guys will be on their way home.  I miss them all!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Big Kill

Larry phoned me this morning with VERY good news:  three kills of big antelope.  Chris, Jason, and Larry each shot one.  According to my "Big Hunter", his is a huge one.  He won't mount the entire head, but instead will have a antler (?) mount.  He's proud of his 300 yard shot and the fact that Scott was sneaking up in back of him filming the whole thing!  Can't wait to see the movie!  All are having a blast.  The guide and Scott are hunting this morning, with Chris in tow taking pictures.  Hope he shoots a wall mounter!  Larry says cabin life is good with four rooms, a generator, and a working shower.  After he drops off the antelope in town for processing, he's taking his first shower since Monday.  Man, I bet he's ripe!  Tomorrow, they stalk mule deer.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Settlin' In

After meeting the outfitter, Jim, in Riverton, the group headed to the cabin.  Jim mentioned that because of its location "out in the boonies", phone reception might not be available.  So, Larry called for what might be the last update.  He reported seeing herds and herds of antelope everywhere along the way; the boys thought they'd have no trouble bagging one.  At the cabin there'll be a total of six hunters and three guides, matching one guide per pair of hunters.  The game plan for yesterday was to unpack, settle in, and practice shooting.  Jim was headed off to the airport to pick up the two hunters from South Carolina.  If time permitted Larry and the boys would start hunting already that afternoon for antelope.  Let the games begin!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


After two days' traveling, the guys have reached western Wyoming.  This morning they'll meet up with their guide in Riverton, and then continue northward onto the ranch in Shoshoni where the cabin is located.  Last night they hit the mountains capped with snow... awesome sight to the boys!  Nothing as beautiful as looking out your motel room and seeing a mountain view.  The weather in Shoshoni this morning is registering 41 degrees and should hit a high in the 50s.  Excellent for hunting, I suppose.  Little to no rain is predicted.  According to Larry, the boys are on an adrenaline high in anticipation of the "Hunt"!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Slow Start

The first day of traveling did not bode well for the Hunting party.  After leaving here at 5:15 a.m., Larry was already back home twenty minutes later retrieving his two Wyoming hunting licenses that he forgot to pack!  When on the road leaving St. Louis area, the group had to stop four times due to truck problems.  Ultimately at the last stop in Columbia, Missouri, the gang headed to a Dodge dealership where they waited two hours to have a alternator replaced!  Larry called last night after they got off the road in Hays, Kansas.  Despite their morning troubles, the guys are pumped up and ready to land in Cheyenne tonight.  No adventure is without its bumps along the way!

Monday, October 10, 2011

The "Grand Adventure" Begins !

A year in the planning...their Christmas present realized ...the day has arrived!  The boys and dad are off in the wee hours this morning, heading to western Wyoming for what I have dubbed, The Grand Adventure.  By Wednesday the Hunting Party should arrive in Riverton to meet up with their hunting guide for five days of living in a isolated cabin and stalking their prey:  antelope and mule deer.  I'm hoping that the boys' trip brings lasting memories of spending an awesome time with their dad.  Really, that's what the Adventure is all about!  Stay tuned for updates on their hunt...