Friday, October 14, 2011

Big Kill

Larry phoned me this morning with VERY good news:  three kills of big antelope.  Chris, Jason, and Larry each shot one.  According to my "Big Hunter", his is a huge one.  He won't mount the entire head, but instead will have a antler (?) mount.  He's proud of his 300 yard shot and the fact that Scott was sneaking up in back of him filming the whole thing!  Can't wait to see the movie!  All are having a blast.  The guide and Scott are hunting this morning, with Chris in tow taking pictures.  Hope he shoots a wall mounter!  Larry says cabin life is good with four rooms, a generator, and a working shower.  After he drops off the antelope in town for processing, he's taking his first shower since Monday.  Man, I bet he's ripe!  Tomorrow, they stalk mule deer.

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