Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The End

After being gone since last Monday, "The Grand Adventure" has finally come to an end.  Larry and the boys left western Wyoming yesterday morning and should arrive home later tonight, if all goes well.  Four antelope and two mule deer were killed;  Larry is the only one that chose to bring back some meat.  I believe the racks will be mounted, while Jason's doing a full head mount of his deer. I am sure that in the ensuing weeks the guys will be telling stories (and retelling stories!) around the campfires, and with each retelling, the memories grow bigger and warmer to the heart.  Remember-ies of the "Hunt" will last a lifetime and should bring a smile to our boys. "The Grand Adventure" should make remember-ies for their later years, moments for them to enjoy and cherish when old and gray.

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