Monday, June 28, 2010

Class Reunion

This past weekend I attended my 45th (OMG!) high school class reunion.  In all honesty, at our 40th reunion, I swore an oath not to attend the next one.  The 40th left me with a feeling of disillusionment; no classmate reached star status, no one became filthy rich, and no one was a raving beauty.  Rather, my classmates were like me--quite ordinary, run-of-the-mill, middle-aged parents and grandparents.  In high school it was assumed the movers and shakers of our class would rule the world while the rest of us would "slep" along gently into old age making nary a ripple in the pond of life.  Not so.
When the invitation for the 45th reunion arrived, I hadn't the heart to throw it in the trash, but instead pinned it to the corkboard.  Every day for a month I stared it in the face, willing it to go away while at the same time convincing myself it was totally unimportant in the realm of "Things To DO".  Its deadline approached; I caved.  I went.  For some unexplicit reason, I enjoyed myself!  Oh, the "Clique of Bitches" who dominated our high school years were present, and the high school track Running Star attended, but more importantly we "Average Joes" outshined and outnumbered 'em!  Justice was served--the "Queen Bee" was a no-show.  The most eligible, sought-after guy turned into an aging hippy, complete with overgrown mustache and dangling ponytail.  During high school his dance card was never empty, but yet Saturday night his presence never graced the dance floor.  The majority of "The Bitches" were unescorted, divorced, and with faces declaring high mileage!  Is there life after high school?  You betcha! (at least for us Average Guys!)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beach Therapy

What is it about the sea that seems to be so therapeutic for my soul?  I was born and raised in the Midwest, Illinois to be specific, and what location could be more landlocked than southern Illinois?  Yet, I confess my love of the sea:  the smell of the salty water and its faint taste of salt on my lips, the sounds of the waves lapping the shoreline, the ocean breezes brushing my face.  These things create a deep sense of inner peace and calm for me.  The sea causes me to reflect how insignificant one is compared to its vastness; the idea that all our worries and anxieties are nothing when standing at the shoreline's edge.  At the beach, life is different.  Time stands still and does not move hour to hour.  We become kids again, enjoying the shore's simplicities.  Yes, I could grow old there, sitting on the deck with a good "read" listening to the sound of the surf as it lulls me to sleep.

Gulf Shores, Alabama

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Beachin' IT


beach towels.........check
beach chairs..........check
ice-cold beer..........check

Heading for the shore, Gulf Shores, that is, and LOVIN' it!