Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Realio Trulio"

Every week in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, there runs a column "Life Serpa". The columnist portrays a whimsical, off-the-wall character who relates the masculine viewpoint on the world around him. Recently, since the Obama election, he spoke of his core beliefs, those that he as a male found undeniably true. He made me think of my own.
I really believe
....a martini at 4:00 o'clock solves all world problems.
....losing weight is permanently temporary.
....sharing is a learned trait and one needs Robbie as a role model.
....wishing your life away does just that.
....a steak grilled by Cotton will be grilled to perfection.
....a person with no friends simply cannot be happy.
....a positive attitude cures everything.
....Larry's little pat on my butt is his "I love you today."
....the closest place to heaven is Florida.
....brothers and sisters get better with age---your own, that is!
....the Christmas Spirit should be a vacine mandated by law.
....spilled milk is just that; clean it up and move on.
....retirement comes at the wrong age.
....sugared words are tasteless.
....that thinking of winning the weekly football pool is futile.

Enjoy the world and simply LIVE.

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