Monday, December 29, 2008

" Remember-ies "

2008 is nearly history. Thursday, 2009 arrives in full regatta. It is that time of the year when the majority look back at the year's highlights and lowlights, things that inspired us and things that dampened our spirits. Me, I like to believe I'm a positive person, looking at the glass half full rather than half empty. It takes as much effort to smile as it does to frown! (probably use the same muscles, come to think of it) For me, 2008 has many moments, some "remember-ies", that brought a smile to my face. I remember
.....partying and singing our hearts out in Cotton's ski boat drydocked in his garage one late winter night, a night that we laughed so hard, we all cried!
.....Larry falling into the Lake, not once, not twice, but three times!
.....the greatest surprise ever on Mother's Day when I got Max, my new puppy!
.....the doctor's words: The cancer is gone.
.....the hilarious weekend battle of the racoons!
.....many nights gathered around the campfires, enjoying the company of friends and family. first three-day sleepover on Larry and Debra's luxurious houseboat in Arkansas.
.....the attraction of Willie Nelson's music for the local police!
.....the hottub parties listening to good music and pleasurable company!
.....the many weekend boating days on the Lake.

And the list could go on and on.... Our daily lives make remember-ies for later years, moments for us to enjoy when we are old and gray! 2009 comes with a clean slate; fill it to the fullest!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The day has finally arrived, the one all kids everywhere are impatiently waiting for--Christmas Eve! Santa's Day! This is the day the clock hands seem to move oh so slowly, if at all. In Christmases past, I remember looking and checking the kitchen clock continually throughout the day. It occurred to me that Santa might never come. Mom had all these kitchen preparations to do, and then we had to eat (which I thought was totally unnecessary!) When Katie and I were 6 and 8 years old, my oldest four brothers and sisters were in their late teens, early 20's. Jerry, the oldest had been at U of I as a student, my two sisters were slaving away at their jobs in Clayton, and Danny was in the Air Force. Looking back, I guess they all shared in the "Santa Experience", helping Mom and Dad make the night truly special for Katie and me. Santa had his routine; he never showed until after we toured the town, catching all the lighted homes on display. By money standards, we were not a rich family, but to me, we never wanted for anything. Mom made sure that all seven kids had a safe haven, and she helped to make "memories" for us down the road. Things we can reflect on in our later lives. Dad was the sort that let Mom call the shots; what she wanted, Dad acquiesced graciously (most of the time!) We were, and still are, a close-knit, happy family. Granted, we are spread out across the country, from California to Florida, but are still in each other's thoughts. Merry Christmas, Family, and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Realio Trulio"

Every week in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, there runs a column "Life Serpa". The columnist portrays a whimsical, off-the-wall character who relates the masculine viewpoint on the world around him. Recently, since the Obama election, he spoke of his core beliefs, those that he as a male found undeniably true. He made me think of my own.
I really believe
....a martini at 4:00 o'clock solves all world problems.
....losing weight is permanently temporary.
....sharing is a learned trait and one needs Robbie as a role model.
....wishing your life away does just that.
....a steak grilled by Cotton will be grilled to perfection.
....a person with no friends simply cannot be happy.
....a positive attitude cures everything.
....Larry's little pat on my butt is his "I love you today."
....the closest place to heaven is Florida.
....brothers and sisters get better with age---your own, that is!
....the Christmas Spirit should be a vacine mandated by law.
....spilled milk is just that; clean it up and move on.
....retirement comes at the wrong age.
....sugared words are tasteless.
....that thinking of winning the weekly football pool is futile.

Enjoy the world and simply LIVE.