Monday, August 4, 2008

War of Rascal-ly Raccoons

The battle lines were drawn Friday evening at midnight! The gauntlet was laid down and we took the challenge. In the end, we were VICTORIOUS!
After an evening patio party down the street, Larry and I arrived home, via our golf cart. As we pulled into our driveway, eight raccoon eyes stared back at us, frozen for a few seconds in our headlights. Yes, four raccoons were busy setting up housekeeping in our garage. In seconds the troops scattered--cowards, all! Larry and I believed the battle was won and we both slept soundly knowing the enemy was vanquished!
On Saturday, no more thought was given to the critters, and we went about our business. So naive we were !!

As Larry opened the garage door on Sunday morning, lo! and behold! the enemy struck back!

Apparently, one of the four critters camped out in the garage attic through Saturday, ready with his weapons of mass destruction--his paws! The sleazeball opened our freezer doors, emptying the contents. While in the "air-conditioning" atmosphere of our freezers, he dined on frozen bread dough, french fries, uncooked shrimp, deer sausage, chili red peppers, and a host of other goodies. What a smorgasbord he had! Bugger didn't even have the manners to close the freezer doors! The critter had managed to tear down paint cans, tools, scatter tons of nails, rip the clock off the wall,open drawers, and just generally create mayhem! Now, Larry pulled out all stops. Drastic measures were called for in such a desperate situation! THE GUN!

After searching the attic for a half hour, we knew we needed to call in the BIG GUNS--the Animal Control Rescuers.

For a mere five bucks they were willing to come in early on a Sunday morning and do their duty. Little did they know, we would have paid ten times that much! Two hours later Don and his assistant were still trying to lasso the coon. Eventually, the elite troopers were victorious.

The raccoon was transported five miles away and living large in the woods. All was well again. Or, so we thought.....
Sunday evening at 10:00 p.m. we arrived home to find the freezer door opened AGAIN! Our critter had an accomplice hidden away, ready to seek 'n destroy. This time, Larry was not taking any prisoners. Out came the pistol, and up into the attic he marched. Ten minutes later, a shot was fired, and peace was restored in the valley! Come Monday morning, one dead raccoon was given an "aerial" burial in the nearby woods.

And so, the war was over....

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