Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Movin' Forward

I have been reminded by my circle of friends that I've neglected to blog.  Mostly that's due to a lack of an exciting life!  Really, it's just the day-to-day living keeping me busy; maybe one could say my life reached a plateau, with neither going up--or down.  This is the first time in ten years that I am not traveling to Florida for an extended stay.  I am missing that in my life, and come to think of it, I am sooooo (!) missing using the words "we" and "us".  For those who know me well, I have always been a "we" person.  Hopefully that will change.
Yes, family and friends, I am moving forward in my single life; I have joined/enrolled in an online dating site, trying to find a match.  If one comes along he will not replace Larry by all means.  My closest friends say that I'll never find another Larry; he set the bar so high for other suitors, I'm afraid.   For me, this poster rather hits the nail on the head !
I hope you all support my decision and will wish me God speed!

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