Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fun on the Horizon

Today I woke up to a frigid temperature of 5 degrees with a wind chill that feels like -7 below !!!  Brrrrrrrr!  Winter here in the Midwest has been brutal with ice and snow.  Tuesday we got another 5 inches.  Makes me anxious to "Get out of Dodge."  In 27 days I'll be leaving the area for the Florida Keys where today it is 83 and sunny.  During my stay, family and friends will be visiting off-and-on during the months of March and April. Should be exciting.  When I come home, the construction crew will be hard at work on our new shed/rec room and I'll be out shopping--floors, tile, lights, cabinets, paint, etc!  Besides that, Dale and Jason have invited me to our annual Reelfoot fishing trip in May.  Right now, I'm undecided about going; we'll see.

Next item up, Jan and I have planned a trip to Ireland toted as the "Giant Irish Adventure Tour" where we'll be hiking/walking/bicycling/swimming/kyaking/horseback-riding throughout the Emerald Island.  We leave on July 17th and return on Aug. 2nd.  Lee hates travel and Jan loves it--so, we two are on our own!  What a game plan for the upcoming months!  That's the way to solve one's winter's doldrums.

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