Tuesday, July 23, 2013


The doc has put Larry on a new schedule of two weeks on and one week off.  Two Mondays in a row he gets chemo, followed by a reprieve the next Monday.  The lymph nodes in his groin area have really dammed up the circulation in his left leg.  This has caused serious swelling and a horrendous case of lymphedema.  Its definition:  Lymphedema occurs when the lymph system is damaged or blocked. Fluid builds up in soft body tissues and causes swelling.  It is common problem that may be caused by cancer and cancer treatment.  It usually affects an arm or leg.
Normally Larry wears a size 11 shoe, but now can barely fit into a size 14!  When the cooler weather arrives, I don’t know what we’ll do to keep his footsies warm.  He is getting less mobile as his leg and foot continues to swell.  That affects his level of weakness and his stability to walk.  Chris and Scott, plus the “girls” are generally here on the weekends, but much of the weekdays he is in the recliner, sitting or sleeping.  We don’t have too many “up-days” anymore.  We both are hanging in there as best as we can—taking the good with the bad. Friends and family members are our support system.  Thanks to all for your care, concern, and prayers.

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