Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Dear, dear Peggy reminded me that I haven't updated lately (Thanks, Peg!)  I tend to forget people read my blog besides me!
It's much appreciated to realize we have a great support network of family and friends. Yesterday we went to the Clinic for the weekly chemo treatment; however, Larry's blood work showed platelet count was way too low--so we drove back home. He is now wearing a pain patch that hopefully will take care of some of the aggravating pain he experiences.  Perhaps he'll sleep better at night now.  The med is highly addictive, but who in the hell cares!  I am still trying to "fatten" him up with pastries, baked goodies, and ice cream. That seems to be working because he gained 2 pounds! I have a large bowl of M&M's next to his recliner, which he snacks on continuously!  His immediate goal is to make a trout fishing trip in August to Bennett Springs. I'm afraid, though, we won't make it; he hasn't the strength or stamina. Besides that---his "fat" foot won't fit into his waders! It looks like the trunk of a sequoia tree! We are keeping a positive attitude as we muddle through this mess.
Again, thanks, guys!

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