Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Since mid-January, Larry and I have been on a hiatus, of sorts.  Ah, doctor-free, appointment-free, test-free, chemo-free, and worry-free.  And we truly put that time to good use...a trip to Mexico, a month in the Keys, fishing in Tennessee, and days of relaxing doing nothing!  Now, though, it's time to pay the Piper.  Larry had his scan in early May, followed by the oncologist's appointment last week.  No good news, nor bad.  There is an enlarged lymph node in the neck/chest area that the Doc says bares watching.  We need to wait another two weeks--watching and waiting to see if the node grows.  Chances are at that time he'll have surgery to remove the node.  We now sit in "limbo"--that place where we're not assigned to Hell nor to Heaven!  We'll take it day by day as always.

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