Monday, January 31, 2011


Man oh just keeps comin' !  Freezing rain and a possible 8-12 inches of the white fluff.  Photos to come later!  Wish I lived on the Gulf Coast....  The Dominican in twelve days is lookin' mighty fine by now!  Reported high today a balmy 83 degrees.   WOW!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Birds

Today we were graced with our third snowfall of the year.  Being retired, snow doesn't bother us too much.  One big advantage is the accumulation of our bird population on the deck, as you can see from the photos.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10...and Holding !

I am now into ten days of trying to keep my New Year's resolutions, and guess what, I'm hangin' in there!  Ten days of no smoking, losing a pound and a half, exercising daily, and putting a nicer me (or at least I'm trying to!) out there in the neighborhood. I'm a "work in progress" as they say.  Be patient 'cause Rome wasn't built in a day! Keep posted.  We'll see how far I get in 2011...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Starting Over

A new beginning, a second chance, a do-over...that's what January 1 signals to me.  Taking a look back, we can embrace the good and ditch the bad.  Most of us make New Year's resolutions, hoping to God we keep 'em.  Going smokeless, loosing weight, exercising more are always at the top of my list. That shows you how well I do with my resolutions!  But, I'm not naive; I realize it's hard and I start out strong.  In the end, I loose ground and prepare to renew my resolutions in the next New Year.  One can only hope, can't we?  Everyone deserves second chances.  'Tis better to try than not.  This year, though, I'm trying more meaningful resolutions in the hopes they will be more attainable and enriching to those in my life.  At least once, give a stranger a smile.  Hand out one sincere compliment a day.  Use the "Pay Forward" mentality to those I meet along the way.  Be a kinder, gentler person to my family.  If I could succeed in at least one of these endeavors I would be happy.  Wish me luck.  We'll see how long I last!