Thursday, December 9, 2010


Yeah, Guys, we're all anticipating the arrival of the Holidays.  This is my "Happy Time".  Sometimes I wish for the days of believing in The Big Man and all that it entails.  The hardest part now, for me personally, is that we have no young kids in our home, the Believers who make the Magic of Christmas so special.  But, still gettin' ready for the Season is fun anyway.  I've been busy baking Christmas cookies, even though we're all watching our sugar intake.  Making trips to the Mall, too, is exciting--scouting out those "perfect" gifts for those near and dear.  Rarer than ever, the shoppers and salesclerks were nice and accomodating this year.  Trimming the tree, usually quite a hassle, went up with nary a problem.  (Of course, that could be because we decided on a artificial tree instead of chopping down a real pine!)  Larry hung the outdoor lights without too much fuss yesterday;  they even worked!  Atta boy, hubby!  To top off the Season, the weathermen are predicting snow on Saturday that could possibly stick around until Christmas!  Wow, the dream of have a White Christmas might be realized!
The writer, Charles Dickens, sums up Christmas Time the best:  "I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come around, as a good time; forgiving, charitable time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely."

The best Christmas of all is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up with one another!

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