Monday, February 1, 2010

Changing Seasons!

Ah, February...the changing of seasons.   For most people, their yearly seasons consist of spring, summer, fall, and winter.  Not here at the Schurman Household ,for our seasons are different...  We celebrate The Traveling Season, The Boating Season,  The Football Season, and the Holiday Season.
February brings us The Traveling Season, that time when Larry and I begin planning, anticipating, and packing for our traveling adventures.  On the 14th of this month we leave for sunny Florida; our pit stops include North Port to visit my sister Jan, a side trip to Orlando to spend time with brother Dan, and then last, but not least, the month of March in the Florida Keys.  This is followed by Los Cabos in April, Tennessee in May, and Alabama in June (not to forget Carolina, too!)  Oh, there`s joy in Muddville tonight!  Hubby ( as well as most of my family!) know how I love to travel the open road.  I believe I was born a wanderer. Or...maybe I have the traveling gene of past generations.  
The Boating Season, of course, begins in June with the arrival of hot weather, warm lake water, and boats galore.  Family members and friends descend upon us, eager to begin the summer boating experience:  riding the pontoons, tubing the waves, skiing the boat wakes, and zipping along in the fast run-abouts.  Barbeques, beers, and brats are the rigors of our summer days!
The Football Season speaks for itself:  Sunday football, football, and football!  The "Football Pool" makes everyone a player, and for me, a loser for most of the weekends.  This year hubby and I did manage $40 wins.  
The Holiday Season, of course, runs Thanksgiving through New Year's Day which is the norm for all. I must say that the Holiday Season joy is directly proportional to one's advancing age.  The older I get, the less joy I feel.  I wonder why that is...
These seasons are my "Circle of Life".  As Thoreau once wrote:
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.

Here's a toast to your Seasons of Life!

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