Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 Remembered

Happy New Year to One and All!

Where did the year go?  In a blink of an eye, the days flew by and 2010 has arrived with its promise of hope and happiness.  Before the new year settles in I'd like to remember 2009.....the year we
........celebrated our 40th anniversary.
........dragged a huge palm tree back from the Keys with Larry saying it wouldn't fit!
........made a family trip to Pensacola and had so much fun we're making it an annual family to-do!
........explored the historic towns of Charleston and Savannah (another item to cross off our Bucket List)
........experienced a cancer-free year!
........finally got new flooring in the house.
........took the grandkids 30 miles out in the Gulf, fishing for red snapper and coming back in with their limit!
........gave up smoking cigarettes and cigars!  (now if I could only lose ten pounds!)

And the list could go on and on... but for now let's all look forward to what 2010 will bring.  May it be good health, much happiness, and lots of lovin' !

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