Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fleeting Moments....

Time. Where does it go? When really young, time was only dictated by the ringing of school bells, or Mom calling you home after a late afternoon pickup ballgame with the neighborhood kids or the evening meal. As kids, time was truly irrelevant, except on Christmas Eve when you anticipated Santa Claus and, of course, your special birthdays! Then came the later high school years and time stood still while you wished for Senior Year, graduation, and the send-off for your college years. Oh, and then you couldn't wait to be that "Magical Twenty-one" which made you somehow a grown-up. Countless are the times that I've wished the days would fly by so that I could mark a special event or day in my life. One writer seems to believe that time passes more quickly during your childhood years than your years as an adult. He believes that our childhood tends to be very memorable, full of new experiences and memories that are digested and stored in the brain. For this reason time for kids flies by. Personally, I disagree with his philosophy; I feel my adult time is flying by. I look back and can hardly comprehend I've been retired for seven years already! Where did the time go? I have so much I want to see and do and experience before my time runs out. Maybe making new memories and experiencing more new things will slow down the passage of time. It's worth a shot.

"It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth--and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up--that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had."
-----Elisabeth Kubler Ross

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