Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The troops have arrived: brother Jerry and Merrill from California, sister Jan and Lee from Florida, and sister Katie from Texas. The Haas clan has descended upon the Home Front for a couple of weeks to celebrate two family weddings.
The complete gathering was rather unexpected.

It's unusual to have EVERYONE return for a nephew's wedding and a more distant relative...a great-nephew. Perhaps all of us feel the years creeping up and realize we're sliding down the backside of our lives! Some days I feel entrenched in the land of canes and cataracts, blue hair and support hose! We're just in the waiting room for the blue-hair set, biding our time for the Big Bingo Parlor ahead. All are aware that tomorrow is never guaranteed and so we must make the best use of our time in the "now". Our family has always been close-knit even though the sisters and brothers are slung across the country. Email helps bind the gaps in distance--a frequent sharing of words, photos, and movies.
The next week means family golf outings, barbecues, card playing, and just reminiscing about life in our younger days. Ah, the stories we tell each other about when we were little.

Mom and Dad, both gone now, would be smiling down on us this week. Family was a priority for them--family was important.

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