Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Surprising Perks

Many friends still inquire about "how I'm doing."  Of course I give the standard reply that life is good and I'm moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other.  And, really, that's very true.  I miss my hubby a great deal, especially when fall arrives and I know that Old Man Winter is lurking around the corner.  Sharing one's life with another person brings a fulfilling joy and purposeful meaning to another human being.  People who know me well, though, know that I am an optimist, always trying to see the good side of any situation.
Being a widow does brings some surprising and indisputable perks.  In the morning, I can truly arise from a night's sleep anytime I wish--early or late.  Having coffee in bed, I've found, is another joy; it allows me to slowly wake up my body and mentally prepare my day's activities.  Whether I want breakfast, what I want for breakfast is also my choice.  Eating is totally NOT based on the Food Pyramid and is only dictated by how I feel that very moment. Pizza for breakfast, non-meat casserole for dinner, or just snacking on veggies with a dip are all options.  And guess what, closing the bathroom door is also not a requisite!  Oh, my...let's not forget the TV remote which is real-io, trul-io self explanatory!  The "Pick-Up Game" has disappeared; no shoes, shirts, dirty underwear, razors, toothbrushes and all other things that really never fully ever got put away need to be addressed.  There has been over the last two years a shift in schedules, a shift to my own needs and wants.  It is now my schedule, not another's. 
Please don't misunderstand....I'd give my heart and soul to have Larry by my side.  His passing left a hole in my heart that will always remain.  Found this quote that pretty well sums up my feelings:
And, as far as today goes, WHATEVER I WANT! and know that Larry is chuckling and smiling over me.