Sunday, January 26, 2014

Aging OR Not!

Today is Chris's birthday--42 years old.  OMG, where did that time fly? He has turned into a fine young man, one whom we are all proud of!  He'll turn another milestone this October when he and Sarah get married!  Ah, to turn back the clock, huh?  Not really.  To be happy within the company of yourself and to enjoy all that you pursue makes aging irrelevant.  I remember someone saying, "Don't die until you're dead!"  How true that is...  I would think trying new, adventurous courses and just saying YES more often to what life throws us should keep us all young at heart no matter the gray hair and wrinkles!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

On the Horizon

The snow has finally melted, and the warmer temperatures have come back to roost.  No more -3 degrees! Yeah, Mother nature!  This weekend it's "out 'n about" for me.  Celebrating my youngest's 40th birthday at Syberg's Sports bar in Fairview, enjoying the NFL playoffs for two days, and getting my bags packed for a quickie trip to Florida.  Now, if only Ole Man Winter would just quietly creep away.  My frozen pipes situation was remedied...a visit by my plumber and $200 later, all is well.  The hottub, however, is taking its last breath.  Still haven't quite decided if I should end its misery or stick another $1000 into it.  Larry probably would've pulled the plug by now.  What to do, what to do??  All is progressing with the plans for the huge garage and Rec Room on the back lot.  Building the "Shed" (as we are calling it!) gives me something to look forward to.  Everyone knows how much I love HGTV and decorating.  I am hoping for good weather so that the building can progress quickly.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Woke up this morning with NO WATER !  Frozen pipes, total of eight inches of snowfall, and a temperature of -2 degrees (and that ain't the wind chill) !!!!!  Plumber is on his way; hopefully I'll get water in a couple of hours.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, New Day, New Beginning

Finally, 2013 has passed.  It was a long, long year for me,  Much had happened, and none too happy.  Now that the year has turned, it somehow feels different for me personally.  Where before I was simply trying to move one foot in front of the other, now I am more confident and secure, looking at the bright
side of each day to come. So, one day turned into another--Tuesday into Wednesday-- but when it's a number change from 2013 to 2014 it makes it seem as if everything is possible.  It's a New Year, a New Day, a New Beginning!