Monday, December 24, 2012

Remembering Mom...

Christmas is family. A time for memories to overflow your senses.  A time of peace and tranquility.  Ten years ago today on Christmas Eve, Mom passed on to a better life.  For her the gathering of the family clan (and at that time we numbered in the 60s!) was the highlight of the year.  Baking, cooking, cleaning, preceded the event.  She was in her glory surrounded by family love.  Every Christmas Eve brings her presence in my home.  Hats off to a wonderful Mother and lovely person!  Mom, you'd be proud of your brood today !

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Game Plan for the New Year

On Monday Larry had his PET scan and on Wednesday we met with the Doc. The second round of chemo didn't work; his cancer cells weren't affected. On the flip-side of that, the cancer has not yet spread to other organs or tissues. It is stabilized in his lymph node system. We all realize now that the cancer is here to stay. What the Doc and we hope is that the cancer stays where it is...and not metastasized into other areas so quickly. Not until it does will Plan C (whatever that may be) go into effect. All three of us (Doc included) look forward to a good run through into the spring. Beyond that, no one can say. Both of us are dealing with the situation, and we have a good outlook for 2013. He feels quite fine and is now in the woods at the Vandalia cabin with the boys hunting the second deer season. As you know, Larry and I have tried intensely to live our life large (deep and wide!!). Our three week trip to Costra Rica in January and our month-long stay in the Keys is keeping us chipper. Doc is pushing us to enjoy life...and we WILL ! You know and understand us well enough to realize we still are smiling, and laughing, and relishing our family and friends.