Friday, June 29, 2012


Malignant.  Come from the Latin word, meaning to act malicious.  How apropos to use in connection with cancer. Larry's surgery results came in; we met with the oncologist yesterday and he delivered the bad news.  The cancer has traveled through his lymph node system and has taken up residency in his neck area.  On Monday a PET scan is scheduled to check for all cancer activity.  Our hope is the cancer is isolated to that one area.  Treatment will probably consist of another series of chemo.  We're hanging in there and hoping for the best.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Larry is having out-patient surgery this morning at 11:30.  We should be back in time for the "cocktail hour!"  In a few days, I hope, we should have the lab results in.  Keep your fingers crossed the report comes back benign.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


We met with the Doc this morning to check out the enlarged lymph node in Larry's neck area.  Surprise:  not one, but two were found.  Since the Doc doesn't want to miss anything with a regular biopsy, he's scheduling surgery to remove it all to discover what's going on.  So, we wait (again) now for the surgeon to contact us.  We believe it'll be out-patient surgery. Until then, we're hanging loose.