Tuesday, February 28, 2012

R & R

Started our little R &R vacation this morning at 6:30 a.m.  On the road  10 hours and landed in Byron, Georgia, which is south of Macon.  Should arrived in North Port, Florida by tomorrow afternoon to spend a \three nights with sister, Jan and her hubby, Lee.  Doing some golfing, planting some herbs to take to the Keys, and dining on seafood!  What a life, huh?  Who would have figured we would be able to make another trip so soon!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Great News

Yesterday we met with the oncologist....and he gave us great news.  Larry's chemo has worked and cleared out much of the cancer in his lymph node system.  There is only one hot spot which is located in his groin area.  The Doc believes one of two things:  either the area is just inflamed from the past chemo treatments, or the area is still infected with cancer tumors.  So, no treatments for the next three months!  We are taking a wait and see approach.  Hopefully, the area will clear up on its own, which means no cancer growth but just an inflamed area.  In late May, Larry does another series of scans and we find out then what's up.  In the meantime, we are living in the here and now and plan on whooping it up!  Florida here we come!!!!  Needless to say we are celebrating LIFE!