Monday, September 26, 2011


It's Monday, so of course we visited the Clinic.  Because Larry and Sons ( and Jason!) are leaving in two weeks (October 10th) for their Grand Hunting Adventure in Wyoming the Doc gave him the OK to stop chemo until he comes back from the Hunt on October 24th.  Yeah, that means he'll be feeling spry and full of "piss 'n vinegar"!  Isn't that great news!  Score one for the hometeam!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Day 8 Cycle III means Larry had a short day at the Clinic; we arrived at 12:45 and left at 3:30 on Monday.  Only one drug, Gemzar was injected.  Rough night Monday...Larry went to bed at midnight and awoke at 3:00, then at 8:00 in the morning he went back to bed until 10:30.  The remaining days of this week were good, though.  No side effects whatsoever!  Alleluia!  And despite the 12 pounds he's lost since July, he's eating good! Another alleluia!  And guess what????  He still has hair!  Let's hear for the home team!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cycle III

This is the week of Cycle III--the one I've been dreading.  Doc said it'll hit harder that the first two.  But, the first three days, Larry was in a great mood and felt little effect from Monday's treatment.  Yesterday (Thursday) it did hit 'em hard...didn't eat, mostly slept throughout the day, feeling really crappy.  This morning so far he's OK.  Chemo treatment, apparently, is like a roller coaster ride, with all its ups and downs, quiet moments and hair-spinning spirals.  The upcoming hunting trip to Wyoming with the boys is keeping his spirits up, thank God.  Gives him something to concentrate on and to look forward to...  We'll see what this weekend brings.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Weekly Check-In

Because Monday was a holiday, Larry and I trucked over to the Clinic yesterday; this week it was just a blood test along with a doctor's visit.  The doc is easy to talk to and doesn't mince words; Larry had questions and the doc answered them bluntly. for the first time since July, we heard the words Stage 4 cancer--not pleasant...  The treatment next week begins Cycle 3 which the doc said would hit harder than the first two.  Apparently the cycles produce a more intensive effect as they increase in number.  We shall see on Monday.  Just taking it one day at a time...