Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Another Monday

Yeah, it was Monday yesterday and that meant "The Clinic".  Larry had had a bad week last time, but he recuperated enough to have a good time at the family wedding.  It did us both good to be out and about, visiting with family and friends.  Then comes Monday and we're back at it, this time for a short three-hour session.  Today he's feeling OK; hope the rest of the week works out well.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 1 of Cycle II

As I sat in the waiting room of the Clinic, I people-watched.  It's easy to tell the patients from their "care-givers", the spouses, the brothers, the sisters, the friends, etc.  The cancer patients silently shout their illness in public.  Many sport such a pale, gray-greenish countenance.  Others are even more evident by their "pates"--the thinning hair or the "Bald-Dos", all collateral damage from the chemo. Pink is the accent color of the Clinic.   A few wear face masks, I suppose, to ward off infections because of their low white blood cells.  The majority carry some type of backpack or bag containing odds 'n ends to wile away the long hours of chemo treatment.  Generally, all carry a resigned expression, not necessarily one of hopelessness, but more of acceptance of their fate in life.  We look at each other and inwardly pray that our situation is better than their's appears to be.  We all are taking it one day at a time...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cycle I Finito

Yesterday at the Clinic ended our Cycle I...only three more to go, we hope.  Larry's white blood cell count as well as his platelet count are way down.  The doc will begin "tweeking" the two chemo drugs beginning on Monday; that'll be his 7 1/2 hour stint at the Clinic.  Larry will get a shot later that week to bring up his white blood cell count.  What's disheartening about the process is the fact we will not know whether the treatment is having any effect until it is over in November.  We're trying to keep our chin up...some days are better than others.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Round II

Initially the first dose of chemo left Larry nauseous and tired last week, so we're hoping he'll fare better with yesterday's treatment.  The weekly blood test confirmed his platelets were extremely low; for some reason the count needs to stay at 100 or better.  His was at 101--not good.  If it reaches any lower, the Doc intervenes and decides whether to stop the chemo until it meets the required count.  Larry dropped six pounds in one week; I hoped that pattern doesn't continue through the next three months!  He had a good night's sleep and seems OK this morning--we're praying for a good week of that.  One day at a time...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Start of Chemo

As the med techs call it, we had Day One of Cycle I.  We arrived at the oncology clinic with our bag packed:  1 DVD player, 1 IPod loaded with music, 2 novels, 2 daily newspapers, 1 Sudoku book of puzzles, 1 computer loaded with games, chips and crackers, and 2 bottles of water.  Those items took us through 7 1/2 hours of chemo.  Long, long day for both of us.  Only one of the drugs caused discomfort, while the rest went in without a hitch.  No nausea yet; Doc says if it comes it'll be tomorrow not tonight.  Tonight we hope to sleep better than last night.  All is going good so far.  Remember, one day at a time.