Monday, March 28, 2011

On the Way home

We left early this morning--7:30--from the Keys; drove 9 hours through pouring rain; arrived for the night at the FL/GA border.  Will be home on Wednesday.  See y'all then!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Last Day

Today, Sunday the 27th, is our last day in the Keys.  Tomorrow early we begin our journey home.  According to friends, back home means 34 degrees and possible snow in the forecast.  Lot different than the 83 degrees here in Marathon.  Oh well, all good things come to an end--until next year, au revoir!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Last Week!

This has been a busy week for us since we're trying to fit in everything for the last time.  Alas, we leave in five days, oh my!  On Monday we "did" Key West--shopped, people-watched, and drank!  Tuesday we spent on the seas with Jimmy (from NJ) and Mary Kay (from Ft. Meyers); we're going out with them again tomorrow.  Man, fishing done here is an experience never to be duplicated down home.  Such a myriad of fish--porgies, hogfish, denim fish (why the name I have no idea). yellowtail, mongroves, cobia (saw one by the boat but didn't catch one), and the list goes on...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Super Moon Event

On Saturday night we watched the moon rise--the "Super Moon" that is...  It last happened in 1993 and won't appear again until another 17 years.  The moon appeared 14 times bigger and brighter than normal.  Wow, what a sight to behold!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fishing the Atlantic

On Wednesday we chartered Capt. Paul to take us out on the Atlantic, fishing for snappers.  We ended up with 37 fish and hours of fun!  The weather cooperated and the seas were calm.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Key West Golfing

On Tuesday morning we and another couple from North Carolina rode to Key West for a day's golfing.  Had a great time (even though my golf game sucked!) on a beautiful course (shared with lots of iguanas, though!)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunrise Photos

Woke up early to catch some great photos of our sunrise here in the Keys...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ten Days in the Keys

Today we are celebrating our tenth day in the Keys.  Been busy with the usual; yesterday we chartered a boat from SeaDog Charters for a half day of fishing.  Good day fishing, except for the high seas--five foot swells!  That made it difficult to stand on the stern and fish, but we did it!

Ten Days Later

Today we are celebrating our tenth day in the Keys.  Been busy with the usual; yesterday we chartered a boat from SeaDog Charters for a half day of fishing.  Good day fishing, except for the high seas--five foot swells!  That made it difficult to stand on the stern and fish, but we did it!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Keys' Life

Larry and I arrived in the Keys on Tuesday with a temperature of 89 degrees; man, the weather is warm this year!  We are now truly settled in and are beginning to live life large!  Nothing to do but pool it, golf it, beach it, fish it, and relax it!!!!