Thursday, November 25, 2010


To everyone--family and friends-- Larry and I wish  a very Happy Thanksgiving!  May your day be filled with much laughter and warm "fuzzies"!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ritual or Routine?

According to Webster's, a ritual is a prescribed religious rite. Within the context of religion it is designed to give one's self comfort and serenity.  For me small things in life we do without our religion or faith involved, such as reaching for morning's first cup of coffee, fit that definition totally.  Or is that just a meaningless routine in our day-to-day existence?  What about my seasonal Cookie-Baking Day in December?  It's a ritual: my measuring, mixing, baking, and smelling the delicious aromas of the fresh-out-of-the-oven delicacies!  How about settling in for an evening together with hubby watching our favorite TV program?  How about sending Christmas cards to family and friends?  Is that a routine or do we perform these seemingly inconsequential, mundane tasks with such a religious fervor and love that it fits Webster's definition to a "T" .   Walking the dog....reading a good book on a rainy, wintry afternoon...snuggling in bed with freshly laundered sheets...watching the Key West sunsets in early spring...  The list is endless.  Maybe it would be a great idea if we managed to turn our daily routine tasks into a ritual.  What better way to make our lives more enjoyable and meaningful!