Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Christmas in March !

Last night was spent in Gainesville, Florida.  Yeah, our late-winter vacation is over, and we’re on our way home via Interstate 75. 
As I lay in the hotel bed, I tossed and turned as a myriad of thoughts invaded my consciousness.  I began thinking of how the last six-weeks’ traveling was much like the Christmas season, of all things. 
Days and days of preparing for our trip to Florida---making lists, trying to be sure that all we will be needing  is packed into the van and we’re ready to go.  As it happened, we did forget a few things, but nothing of consequence.  The anticipation of the departure date arrived, just like Christmas Eve with the family.  The Christmas Season is filled with such happiness and a sense of wonderment much like our travels—finding and exploring the unknown (like Cedar Key, Summer Bay!)  Ah, and the presents!  Touching the nape of my neck this very moment is the frond of a 4-foot palm tree packed in the van behind me, a “gift” we handpicked (in the rain!) at a Homestead nursery.  The young Mexican who drove Larry and me around the acres and acres of plants in his golf cart probably wondered what in the hell we gringos were doing!!  The exquisite tropical plant will grace our deck and continually remind us of the palms in the Keys.  And, as we drive north, we pick up the aroma of the fresh basil we have growing in our backseat—the beginnings of our herb garden started in the Keys and to be transplanted when we arrive home.  What a “gift”----to be able to jumpstart the spring planting!  And, what about the strange-looking vegetable we discovered in the truck farms of Florida City.  We bought the two-pounder “potato” to cook for our friends.  Now if we only knew its name!  Other “presents” like the cooler full of snapper—mangrove and yellowtail—and the fresh home-grown tomatoes ready to be sliced for the first BLT’s of the season, and don’t forget the fresh picked strawberries from Plant land, FL !!!  The “Christmas presents” are abundant.  You know, how at Christmas time you experience a sense of newness and hope that all is right with the world,  well, coming off the highway after weeks’ of traveling leaves you with the same feelings—that life is good and meant to be lived!  That’s a good motto to live by----LOVE LIVING!  Yeah, traveling is done for awhile, but, oh, the pleasures and memories will stay with us for long, long time!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bahia Honda

On Thursday Larry and  I headed over to our "other beach"---Bahia Honda , which is 15 minutes down the road.
Beautiful beach, long and full of "eye candy" for Larry (!!!!!).  This is also part of the park where Bag and
Debbie stayed two years ago when they came down to visit.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Windin' Down

It's our 22nd day here in Marathon; I wonder where the time went?  Our Keys' vacation is slowly coming to an end and then it's back to chilly Illinois!  I thought I'd share some photos of our "Home Away
From Home"  --Ocean Isles

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Waking Up in Paradise...

.....This morning at 6:45 I turned over in bed, glanced out our front window, and lo! and behold! there it was
The most beautiful sunrise coming on the horizon.
I debated several minutes about getting dressed and hauling my sorry ass out the door.  Thank heavens logic prevailed and out the door I went, camera in tow.  What an amazing, spectacular view to wake up to on a Sunday morning.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Days 21-25

This week has been interesting.  The highlight of the week was fishing on the Marathon Lady on Tuesday.  The Atlantic was rougher than a cob with 5-8 foot swells, but we went anyway.  Fishing was good and exciting.   After four hours, though of manning the rough seas, I had to sit out the last hour...my stomach was rolling!  First time ever that happen!  Next Tuesday we are going again.  For dinner that night we had fresh fish!  Yummy!We also golfed Key Colony one afternoon; as usual, my golf game sucked.  Gotta practice and take some lessons!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Three Weeks 'n Counting

This is Monday...three weeks on the road!Today we fished the bridges along the Keys and finally caught some fish, thanks to our neighbor and friend from Indiana.  Marvin showed us the ropes, what hooks to use and how to present the bait, and what bait to use.  I swear to God, the shrimp we used we could have eaten, they were that big!!!  But the most important part, we caught fish!!!  Some ugly, and some really good to eat.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 18-20

It has now been six days since we've landed in the Keys.  Larry and I have settled into a "routine" of sorts.  We rise 'n shine somewhere between 7-8:00 a.m.; while he walks across US 1 to Walgreens to get the morning's papers, I'm busy making coffee and the bed.  We don't get in much of a rush around here--after all, we're on "island time".  The morning is filled with a long walk, some chores like grocery shopping, laundry, going to the fish market, etc.  By the time afternoons  roll around, we're fishing or soaking up some rays by the pool, going to the beaches for sand and surf, dining out for lunch or dinner and so on and so on!  This morning we headed to Big Pine Key, approximately 20-30 minutes, for the weekly Flea Market where we can pick up a few bargains. The drive south is so picturesque what with the aquamarine colors of the Atlantic on our left and the blue waters of the Gulf on our right! Tomorrow we have the local Key Colony community picnic of sorts and next week is the annual Marathon Seafood Festival.  Every so often there is some local activity to attend if we want.  Days and nights are quite laid-back, and to say the least, we're enjoying our vacation.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 17

Wednesday and the sun is shining!  After my walk, the day is filled with laundry, etc.  In the later hours, we were at the dock fishing for God knows what!
  Larry caught bait fish then used them as lures for the sharks.  Not to be had, though.
The day was  good just sitting at the "dock of the bay."  Temp reached 69 or 70 and hoping to get to 80!
Finished the day with---guess what?------MARTINIS !

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Days 15-16

Finally.......the Keys!  We arrived in the Keys around noon and did some shopping at the Bass-Pro Outdoor Anglers   for some fishing gear.  Met Sue, the owner of our Unit 13, moved in, got settled by 3:00,  grocery shopped, then had martinis on the deck soaking up sunshine.  Got hugs from our old friends of past years in the complex.  Chatted at length with Karen and Charlie from Massachusetts.  Word from the weatherman:  expect a storm on Tuesday.  Wrong!!  This morning we woke to a hot, humid day with plenty of sunshine.  I took a 45 minute walk and had an easy breakfast with Larry.  He got his new fishing reel and rod ready; as for me...the pool.  Sounds great, doesn't it? !!!  Life is good today.