Monday, April 25, 2016


Aw, Spring has sprung!  Winter is dead!  

Finally, I believe the very last of cold, chilly days is gone.  Such a grand feeling to awaken and hear the birds chirping and see the sunlight peeking through the window.  This week is one of planting flowers, a few herbs, and a couple of tomato plants.  Let the games begin!  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Surprising Perks

Many friends still inquire about "how I'm doing."  Of course I give the standard reply that life is good and I'm moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other.  And, really, that's very true.  I miss my hubby a great deal, especially when fall arrives and I know that Old Man Winter is lurking around the corner.  Sharing one's life with another person brings a fulfilling joy and purposeful meaning to another human being.  People who know me well, though, know that I am an optimist, always trying to see the good side of any situation.
Being a widow does brings some surprising and indisputable perks.  In the morning, I can truly arise from a night's sleep anytime I wish--early or late.  Having coffee in bed, I've found, is another joy; it allows me to slowly wake up my body and mentally prepare my day's activities.  Whether I want breakfast, what I want for breakfast is also my choice.  Eating is totally NOT based on the Food Pyramid and is only dictated by how I feel that very moment. Pizza for breakfast, non-meat casserole for dinner, or just snacking on veggies with a dip are all options.  And guess what, closing the bathroom door is also not a requisite!  Oh, my...let's not forget the TV remote which is real-io, trul-io self explanatory!  The "Pick-Up Game" has disappeared; no shoes, shirts, dirty underwear, razors, toothbrushes and all other things that really never fully ever got put away need to be addressed.  There has been over the last two years a shift in schedules, a shift to my own needs and wants.  It is now my schedule, not another's. 
Please don't misunderstand....I'd give my heart and soul to have Larry by my side.  His passing left a hole in my heart that will always remain.  Found this quote that pretty well sums up my feelings:
And, as far as today goes, WHATEVER I WANT! and know that Larry is chuckling and smiling over me.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

There is a season...

Can you smell it?  Can you see it?  The calendar won't register it until the 23rd of September, but MY calendar has already clicked in--fall is teasing us, beckoning us to the change of seasons!  Our days are sunny and bright, not hot and humid, while the nights contain just the right amount of chill and perfection.  I've got a yen for cinnamon buns, sweatshirts, snuggling under the blankets, football, pumpkin pies, crunch of apples, and even macaroni and cheese.  Even the arrival of spiders and their webs intrigue me...And, I want to bake, bake, bake!!  My friends, you know me well.  I despise the winter months, but truly enjoy fall and all it brings.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Nite Time Show

My friends, it was worth waking up and hauling my sorry-ass out of bed at 1:00 A.M. last night.  The Perseid meteor shower in the northern sky gave a fantastic light show.  The night skies were dark and perfect for viewing the many fiery streaks of light visible to my naked eye; I didn't even need my binoculars that I had with me.  In my jammies and a bottle of water I walked to the common area of our subdivision and just stood on the road scanning the heavens.  The meteors didn't come fast and furious, but they were intermittently arriving clear and strong.  I had to go back to the house and dose myself with mosquito dope, but all in all the light show was amazing.  Tonight, I  believe I will do the same thing.  This time I'm bringing a comfy chair with me.  Of course I couldn't take pictures, so I "borrowed" some of NASA's photos that looked similar to what I actually saw.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Golf Cart Parade

I'm posting this a tad bit late...Our subdivision on the Lake held our annual Fourth of July Golf Cart Parade in conjunction with our neighbors in Lake Shore.  Quite an event and such imaginative decorated golf carts--everything from Toy Story (with Slinky) to the huge Cardinal bird (with Cardinal dogs and the Peanut lady in tow!).  AND, we had our very own Ken the Clown to entertain the kids!  There is nothing finer than grown-ups acting and playing as if we were all kids!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Going, going, gone...

Two years ago almost to this day, the hottub broke.  Actually it shutdown a few days after Larry's death.  I guess it became a symbolic happening much like the old poem, "Casey at the Bat" where there was no joy in Mudville...

Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
But there is no joy in Mudville - mighty Casey has struck out.

Yeah, we've had many an enjoyable wintery evening in that tub--with many "good times and good friends".  I might mention a few stops by the local constables as well!  What happened in the tub, stayed in the tub!!  Lips are sealed on that thought.
I need to make a decision whether to cover the hold or buy another tub.  Time will tell.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Parade